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Four Organizing Styles

What style of organizer are you?

The Micro-Organizer

You thrive on detailed organizing systems!

You prefer to keep only what you need and display it in an attractive manner. You like to organize everything down to the nitty gritty aspects, so that each room, dresser, and drawer are perfectly immaculate, and you can find exactly what you need when you need it.

As a Micro-Organizer your preferences are:

  • Clear counters and stuff out-of-site
  • Inside your cupboards, closets, and behind closed doors, things are super organized!
  • Visually you want your space to look uncluttered, clean, and with minimal things out on display
  • You’ll take time to put things away, and likely file fold clothes inside drawers
  • Everything has a place and you’ll straighten things up if others didn’t put it away neatly

You don’t waste time looking for things as this is important to you!

Avoid doing this when organizing:

Don’t get caught up in the small details of perfecting your system while decluttering or you’ll lose track of the bigger vision.  What can start as a great moment of motivation can turn into an unproductive hour spent on lining up pens by the order of the rainbow in your office. Then when you take a step back, it seems you’ve made no progress because all your hard work was tucked away into a drawer!

Something for you to practice is letting go of perfectionism and focus on making a dramatic visible result first in a shorter period of time.  You can always come back later and make your organizing system perfect.

Make sure not to over complicate your organizing systems.  If things are not easy to find or put away, you’re likely not to use your organizing system.  Keep in mind who else in your household or office needs to find stuff and is your organizing system easy to maintain.

You’re organizing moto is “organize first, perfect later”

Organizing solutions that work for Micro-Organizers:

  • Beautiful highly functional bins and containers
  • Decant groceries and laundry soap into containers 
  • Create organizing zones are detailed versus broad general zones and categories
  • Organize kids sports clothes organized by each sport they are active in vs one big bin or drawer
  • Label first-aid and medications using multiple categories for cold, flu, adult and kids medicine
  • Embrace a “good enough” mindset, and move on to other tasks quicker instead of focusing on small, individual details
  • When sorting and decluttering, set a timer for 45 minutes and a goal of how much you wish to accomplish in that time period
  • Keep in mind the idea to sort first and make pretty later!  It’s just important to get it done in the first place
  • Use dividers and smaller organizers inside bins and baskets

Don’t sweat the small stuff first, save the finishing touches for last!

So what do you think, Micro-Organizer? Does this way of organizing seem attainable for you?


Your Next Action Step:

Leave a comment below of what area you are committed to getting organized in the next week or so.  When you do, I will share my best organizing solution and product for that area.

Excitedly waiting to hear all about your progress!

Happy Organizing!