As winter vacation quickly approaches, this is our perfect opportunity to think about how others may be living it a little differently than us.
Usually, the holiday season is bright and sparkly, illuminated by strings of lights and Christmas cheer! There’s special baking to be done, thoughtful gifts to be wrapped, and a mantle to be decorated.
But for some of us – this is just an idle dream on our wish list.
Special occasions marked down on a calendar don’t mean the world winds down for everyone!
We still need our doctors and nurses, firefighters, dispatchers, news personnel and their production crews, too. Just to name a few!
Outside of organizations that normally run 24/7 there are still so many of us that work through the holidays to keep the world flowing (a huge thanks to you all!🤍)
So in order for us to soak up as many drips of the holiday season as we can get,
Here are 10 ways to stay productive at work over the holidays:
1. Start your work day routine earlier

You will actually double your productivity when you take advantage of this strategy!
Think about it, what would work more effectively? Sleeping from midnight to 8am, or from 10pm to 6am? The latter would give you a two-hour jump on the day. So in order to squeeze the most out of your day and be as focused as you can be, make sure you are setting boundaries around when your work day will begin and end.
2. Say “no” to people-pleasing anxiety
It’s not easy to say “no” to taking more on during the holidays. You want everyone to enjoy their time, and for work to close up as smoothly as possible.
But when you’ve got too much on your plate already, one must stop to think about their own needs and wants. Be polite but straightforward when declining a task or event invitation that may overload you. A great way to be courteous while turning something down is to say, “Thank you for thinking of me, but I am planning on spending that time working on X project/watching my daughter’s Christmas performance.” This conveys to the person that you’re grateful for their invitation, but that you also already have your priorities set.

3. Stay focused and productive at work

In order to keep yourself accountable for anything, you must first determine a goal to be held accountable to.
First of all, if you’re feeling in a slump, get your body moving to jostle your brain functions into working effectively. If you’re feeling overwhelmed this is the best technique to help you stay productive at work over the holidays. Then focus on the hardest thing first, A.K.A. your primary project. That task you most dread. Just get it out of the way or at least complete a big chunk of it right off the bat! Make sure to give yourself a realistic window of time for each thing on your to-do list and actually cut yourself off at that window.
4. Avoid getting distracted by thoughts
We all face distractions in the office (and our home offices). But even more so when the stresses of holidays and extended family come around!
To counter these distractions, remove anything that has distracted you in the past from your work area. This includes that eraser you’re always fidgeting with, your kids’ photos you reminisce with a little too long, and any loose papers that aren’t directly related to the task at hand. Put those items away in your desk for the holiday season and save them for January. Our goal is to be super productive and focused now!

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Release your mind clutter today!
5. Taking (important!) breaks from work

It’s important to take time off from work every now and then to relax and rejuvenate. A holiday is perfect for providing this much-needed break from your work days!
We spend a lot of time at work… so why do we feel guilty taking time off? You certainly deserve it. Even if you’re running your own business, it’s still vital that you’re taking time for yourself. As much as it may feel like it, you’re not shirking responsibility or becoming less focused on your goals. You’re taking care of yourself so you’ll have the stamina to be your best and work effectively once the holidays are over.
6. Shop early to avoid the “Christmas Creep”
One of the risks of starting your shopping early is overbuying. But if you’re keeping track of your spending and who you’re buying for, this is no longer a worry.
Your best bet for having the most availability over Christmas is to look for sales now, shop online to avoid parking costs, and brainstorm creative ways to give the gift of experience. Gifts don’t have to cost a lot of money. You can bake a family member their favorite cookies or prepare a batch of healthy freezer-friendly snacks. You could type a list of restaurants to check out in the new year or create a “family favorites” recipe binder. Or give the gift of organizing with our Clear Out Your Clutter event in 2023! Think ahead – do you really want to sacrifice any of your enjoyment this holiday season? Instead of a cozy cup of hot chocolate while visiting with distant family, would you really rather be bustled around by a bunch of over-caffeinated shoppers? Choose to be productive now, you’ll thank yourself later.

7. Maintain your health during the holidays

Exercising is a great way to clear your mind. Not to mention the many health benefits that follow!
Being that we’re so busy around the holidays, meal prepping plays a huge role in our day-to-day energy! Food is quite literally our fuel, so you don’t want to be eating junk and slacking off at the gym now. The best way to combat energy fatigue is by finding ways to be active in your daily routine. You could have lunch in the park down the street, park your car further from wherever you go, and use stairs instead of an elevator.
8. Stop multitasking,
Learn how to prioritize and focus
A to-do list that’s way too long can leave you feeling exhausted just reading it all.
Instead of stressing about all the things you need to do today, prioritize just what’s important or has an immediate deadline coming up. Remember your focus is to stay productive at work over the holidays so you won’t be swamped when you return. Ask yourself, “What actually needs finishing this month?” Then get your mind focused and your hands dirty. Don’t forget to always keep your professional and personal tasks separate!

9. Manage interruptions from friends and family

Social media and texting are two of the largest distractions while at work.
Stay productive at work over the holidays by keeping your workday free from personal calls, texts, and emails. If you can’t manage this yourself, flip on the silent feature and store your personal cell in a desk drawer (lock it if you need to!). This way it’s completely out of sight and won’t be tempting you. Ask your loved ones to not call or text you during working hours unless it’s really dire.
10. Work Hard so you can Party Harder! 🥳
Why would we spend all of our energy working if there is no reward? We wouldn’t! This is where the “work hard, play harder” mentality is best adopted.
Above all the decorations and fancy dinners, the most important thing during any holiday is to make sure you’re truly enjoying quality time with your family. Let go of work when you’re not clocked in, it will all still be waiting for you whenever you head back.
Cherish the time you have with family, because you never know how many moments like these you will have left. 🤍

I hope that by following these tips you can soak up every ounce of holiday cheer!
It’s time to reconnect with yourself, your family, and pure JOY this year ✨ So remember to unplug, open up, and laugh until you burn enough calories for another slice of pie!
Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a refreshing New Year’s,
Sherry + The SP Team