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Quick Organizing Tips

8 Ways to Declutter on a Busy Schedule: Get Organized In One Hour Or Less

By Blog, Inspiration, Quick Organizing Tips, Simple Living No Comments

Do you ever get that bored, restless feeling in your body but you aren’t sure what to do to remedy it?

Or is something weighing heavy on your mind and you can’t relax without constantly thinking about it?

Too busy to organize a whole room, but want to get something productive done?


It happens to the best of us!


What I often find myself doing in times like those is decluttering! And I know, it sounds like a lot of work when you just want to calm down or relax, but trust me – it helps.


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Having a somewhat mindless task to focus on is a great distraction for your body, and while you’re digging deep into organizing something you’ll likely find you’ve forgotten why you were feeling uneasy in the first place!


Getting elbow-deep into a big project may not be what you’re willing to take on in the moment either, so these smaller ideas are a great start. Save your entire garage for another day, and get started with our “How-to’s” for a smaller project like your jewelry collection or sock drawer!



Did you edit your home according to each section? If you scatter these little decluttering to-do’s throughout your week, it would take you less than 8 hours to complete them all!


Start jotting them into your schedule and comment below when you’ve finished!






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How to Stay Motivated to Organize Anything

How to Stay Motivated to Organize Anything

By Blog, Home Organizing, Quick Organizing Tips No Comments

Are you growing tired of reorganizing your closet, kitchen, or desk drawers over and over again?

Or not sure where to begin with your closet purge?

Well here’s the truth…


You don’t actually need to be organizing every day of the week.


There, now quit the self guilt!

Organizing a room is the same as any other project you take on. Every project has a beginning and an end, with some scheduled steps in-between. It’s that easy.

One of the most asked questions I hear from friends and clients is “how can I motivate myself to organize the house?” The runner-ups are how to stay motivated, avoid procrastinating, and stop feeling guilty when “stuff” keeps piling up.

Well, we’re all busy these days and being pulled in many directions! Sometimes it’s our own fault for saying yes when we really want to say no, and the result of this is too much to do and not enough time to get it done. Which can make us feel resentful, frustrated, overwhelmed, and just plain tired.

Enough Already

If the piles of clutter are driving you crazy and you’re drained from looking at the mess, it’s a sign that you’re causing yourself a lot of unnecessary stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. The physical clutter is also keeping your mind cluttered.

When you keep your whole to-do list and all of your dreams, goals, and projects in your head, you will begin to feel overwhelmed and therefore unmotivated. And worse yet – you won’t be able to see the steps you’ve taken toward your organizing project!

Measuring your progress is critical to your organizing success and motivation!

The key to getting and staying motivated with your organizing project is to not skip the first step in the organizing process. You need to see the progress as it happens. There have been times when I’ve glazed over this step and have not written it down on paper. And consequently, I have lost all interest and moved onto the next exciting idea because it just sounds much better. Don’t fall into the trap of the bright, shiny object syndrome or starting lots of different organizing projects at once.

First Step to Organizing Anything

The first step to getting organized is creating a visual of what you want your newly organized space to look like. You need to get it out of your head and onto real paper. Print a photo or cut out a magazine image of what you want the space to look like and write out a few words that describe how you want your space to look, smell, or feel. (Need some inspo? Check out our Pinterest!) For example,

“My bedroom is my sanctuary.”

“The family room is clutter-free and it is pleasant to have guests over.”

“Preparing meals is a breeze.”

“I love walking into my office to a clean desk every morning.”

“I can quickly find any papers when I need them.”

“My computer files are fast to retrieve.”

Using an image makes the project even more motivating because you can see it throughout the whole process and it also helps your brain to stay focused on the goal.

If you’re someone who thinks everything needs to be stored inside your brain or computer – give your mind a break, go get out your colored felt pens and a piece of paper and just be creative for 10 minutes. Most of us are visual and love pen-to-paper time. So go for it and draw or write down what your organizing goal is. Now!

Next, post the visual organizing goal on a wall, fridge, or somewhere you will see it every day. Every time you look at your organizing goal, you’ll be inspired and motivated to take the next action step!

Download "Brain Dump" Exercise

Chunking Down Your Projects

The next step is writing down all the action steps that you or someone else needs to do to get your organizing project complete. Type it out or write on paper, either way is ok. Just get it out of your head so organizing your chosen space isn’t going to be overwhelming.

To increase your motivation and really get inspired, estimate how long you think each action step will take; 10 minutes, 20, 45, 60, etc. Chunking your project down into bite-sized action steps increases your success rate and will keep you motivated because you will actually see the progress as your list gets crossed off!

Next, schedule three action steps in your calendar and make sure you hold yourself to these appointments. Don’t be afraid to enlist a friend to hold you accountable if you need a little extra push!

If something more interesting comes up and you’re about to ditch your 20 minute organizing session, look at your visual organizing goal and ask yourself if it’s worth procrastinating and putting it off. If the answer is yes, reschedule your 20 minute session. And if you’re too tired to stick to your schedule, decide to take 10 minutes now and do it anyways! You’ll feel less guilty (and actually more motivated!) because you’ve done something to move your organizing project forward.

Getting Organized Does Not = Perfection

Let go of all thoughts perfectionism. Organizing isn’t about having everything perfect all the time! Start by aiming for easy to access and easy to put away.

No Cookie Cutter Solutions

And one last piece of wisdom for staying motivated with your organizing projects: “There is no one-size-fits-all solution to getting organized, and no cookie cutter solutions here at Simply Productive. Because one size does not fit all. There are key foundational organizing principles you need to know, yes, but then organizing systems and processes are personalized so they work for you!”

My intention is to inspire, educate, and teach you about creating organizing systems and processes that work for your home and workspace. So you have less stress and more free time for what’s important to you!

Now go and create your organizing goals right away, and post them in the comments section below!





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Planning for Back to School

By Blog, Checklists, Quick Organizing Tips No Comments

It’s never a surprise when parents start to feel an extra sense of urgency come August every year… Summer is coming to a close, back-to-school shopping is around the corner, and then planning for back to school begins!


Consider this article a quick checklist with an added few of my tips to help you start this busy time of year as productively as possible. The goal here is to help you prevent some of the forgetfulness and stress that can happen when crunch time comes. These tips are very basic but are often underestimated as they are great time savers.


Let’s begin with how you can plan a successful return back to school!


Contact your children’s school for updates

You may or may not be on your school’s email list, but either way – sometimes schools share more information about the first day back to school than you might think.

This includes bus schedules, start times, finish times, upcoming pro-d days or special events, sign-ups for the PAC committee, other volunteer jobs, and so on. The more you know early on, the more at peace you will be with planning for back to school during this whirlwind time of year. And the less the school schedule will be a shock to your business schedule as well.

Get back in touch with your carpool partners

It’s not unusual that if you previously carpooled with someone to get your children to and from school, you have not spoken to them all summer. Well, now is an excellent time to touch base again! Especially since you now know the schedule for school.

Remember to keep in mind any after-school activities your child or their child might do; both parents should be on the same page with this. And what about your business travel times? Will those conflict with the carpool schedule? Do you know of your travel plans in advance enough to even bring that up? It might not be a bad idea to think about, especially if it has a chance at interfering.

Get these apps – (you’ll thank me later)

Download Google Keep,” and one of either Google Photo Scan or Artkive.” These apps will eliminate the paper clutter that piles up fast in most homes. Check them out, use them for a month as a trial to plan for back to school and see if they’re a fit for you. These apps make it easy to share information and plan with other family members.

Google Keep is my #1 app to keep track of all my grocery lists. It’s also handy to capture items you need to buy from a specific store, plan out errands, books to buy or download, packing checklists, gift ideas, bits and pieces of information, kids clothing sizes, and what they will need for the upcoming season. You can add a location reminder and it’s easy to share lists/notes with family members, friends, and business clients. You can even add photos and use the handy audio feature with transcription. Google Keep is always within reach as it works on all your mobile and desktop devices. Set up is less than 5 minutes then you can start typing your to-do lists and unloading everything on your mind!

Google PhotoScan is the smartphone app I use to scan kids’ artwork, memorabilia, and art projects, like clay and pottery. Use a black surface as your background for best results when scanning items or odd sizes of paper. The app will scan whatever you want a photo of, save it to your smartphone, and from there you can sync it into your photo sharing app. (I use Google Photos as it costs a lot less than using Apple Photos)

Artkive is another handy app that will help you organize and capture your child’s artwork, schoolwork, and pictures of them in their activities. Get rid of paper clutter once and for all, and save yourself a lot of space in your home! And why not use it to organize your own childhood memorabilia? Organize by child and age, print quality books, frameable prints, or pillows for them to enjoy and celebrate these precious memories. Shareable with family and friends. Also check out their done-for-you “Artkive Concierge” service. Organizing memorabilia has never been easier!

Start planning childcare arrangements

Your summer childcare may have consisted of half or full day day camps, and it simply worked with your schedule as if by luck.

But will it work when the kids are back to school, finishing earlier, or enjoying their pro-d days off again? What about sick days and snow days – do you have a service on call for this? Now is the time to start planning for the back to school season.

The last thing anyone wants is to miss one or several important meetings because you don’t have your personal life in order. It’s also ill-advised to bring the kids to work after school most days. Even if you work from home, having “fresh-home-from-school” children running around and asking for late lunches, begging to go play outside, etc. – it will be a distraction. In-home childcare may alleviate some of this if you cannot take the time to pick the kids up and drop them off with a sitter.

Set some guidelines

One of the best ways to keep peace in your home is to have a calendar, schedule, and a routine. Summers are often chaotic with schedules all over the place and almost always void of any routine.

Because of all the freedom and travel in your itinerary, summer sports, tournaments, and so on – it’s just madness for even the most sane of families. Back to school is the perfect time for resetting a routine! We can all breathe again when routine is in place.

Even though it can be hard to get back into it, setting a schedule for before and after school will be very beneficial. Setting a routine is important not only for you but your kids as well.

Don’t forget the little things… checklists, checklists, checklists

Sometimes we forget just how much there is to do on an average school day (which also happens to be an average work day for most of us too). If you take inventory of these things early on it will be that much easier to make checklists for them so that they don’t become routinely forgotten by everyone.

Use Google Keep to create checklists for clothing items to buy for the fall, uniforms to order, shoe and clothing sizes, and morning routines. And just about everything else you keep in your head to remember while planning for back to school! It’s time to get it out of your head and into somewhere useful.


Here’s to your organizing success!

What are some of your must-do’s before September? Share with me below!




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