Home + Office Organization Tips
Looking for effective organization tips? This one will have you off to a great start!
The One-in, One-out Rule
Apply this rule to all things in your office, home, and calendar.
When you bring something new into the space, remove something else to make room for the new item. A good office organization tip will help you control the amount of clutter you have AND help you get it organized.
For example, let’s say you love books and your bookshelf is at full capacity. If you keep buying books, eventually the books will be piled all over the floor and surrounding surfaces.
So instead, when you buy one new book, take out one book that you no longer need and give it away.
Decide the books you’ll part with using these key Q’s:
- Do I use it for reference?
- Will I read it / read it again?
- Is the book still relevant to me?
- Is the information inside up to date?
- Does the topic align with my current goals?

Your donation will be new to someone else who will be very grateful for finding it! Plus your bookshelves won’t be too stuffed.
Which leads us to the next organization tip…

Why Wait to Spring Clean?
Welcome in the fresh air and get a head start this year
with our free Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist!
Decluttering Your Clothes Closet
This rule is also easily applied to closets!
When you buy new clothes, simply remove the same number of pieces.
It’s in good practice when downsizing your closet to pick clothes for the to-go pile that no longer fit your current lifestyle. This includes clothes that no longer fit or look the best on you, pieces you haven’t worn in 12 months, or are out of your current preferred style.
Donate these clothes to a charity or pass them on to friends!
What office organization tips can you not live without? Comment below!