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Making and Keeping a Family Laundry Schedule

By Blog, Inspiration, Quick Organizing Tips 2 Comments

Okay, call me crazy, but… I love doing my family laundry! Seriously, I look forward to it😍


And you should too!


Though I was definitely not always like this. I used to let it pile up to an embarrassing height – some weeks I could have put Mount Everest to shame!🙈


But there came a time where I was just… well plainly, sick of it.


I grew tired of feeling lazy. I was tired of seeing piles of clothes everywhere and having to guess what was clean and what was dirty.


So I want to lend you my hand. I will help you up and over to the other side of Mount Clothing-Catastrophe. Because I know you can do it, too!


If you find it challenging to get your family laundry done consistently without having a backlog, here are some tips you can use to help make it a habit:

(Based on my personal experience!)


✨ This may be hard to swallow, but doing your laundry is self-care. I know, it is a chore, but it is a chore that benefits you and your well-being. So, by changing your mindset for how you approach getting your washing done, you’ll already win half the battle. Try sprucing up your space with products you enjoy using, that way you’ll be more inclined to do laundry when the reminder pops into your mind because it will be fun! Be sure that the products are still useful to your specific needs though.


✨ To build an actual routineselect a day(s) that makes sense for your needs. I’ve chosen Saturday. By then we usually have 3-4 loads: darks, whites & sheets, towels, and occasionally delicates.

✨ I recommend for a large family household doing laundry as many days a week as you physically can. Of course, this depends on your work schedule, how many kids you have, and how busy they are in their activities. A way to reduce your amount of laundry is by being mindful of the materials of clothing you’re buying, and how you launder them.


Look at your work and family schedules to decide the best days and times for getting a load in. By doing your laundry little by little and as often as possible, you can avoid a buildup.


✨ This is my favourite trick and what I find to be the most efficient way. Doing certain types of loads on a specific day and making that a ritual. Example: Sundays are for whites and sheets, Tuesdays the darks, Thursdays for towels and rags, and Saturdays for delicates and kids’ school uniforms or the clothes they wore to school.

✨ Another way to get your routine organized is to get the whole family involved. Washing your own clothes is a life skill and habit you can teach kids at a young (but appropriate) age. Even little-little ones can help you collect scattered pieces of clothing! And on the plus side, when you send them off to college, they will already have had plenty of experience taking care of their own laundry!


✨ I believe my habits have stuck so well because I built my routine around my life. Not the other way around. Now I do it without a second thought. That’s what you should strive for too!

Example: On Saturdays, my husband and I like to go for a walk or bike ride in the morning. When I wake up the first thing I do is remove the bedsheets and put them in the wash along with the whites. The washing machine finishes by the time we have breakfast and get ready to leave, and I can then put the sheets into the dryer. Then, I’ll put a load of towels in the wash so that two loads of laundry are almost done when we come back from our walk. Then, when the sheets come out of the dryer, we make the bed right away, then put in all the darks.


And just like that, our weekly laundry is done!


Feeling inspired to organize your laundry room to its maximum efficiency? Check out this 10 Day Decluttering Challenge!


Bookmark this for later and share it with that friend who always has all her clothes in the hamper😆

Style & Declutter Your Home for Spring

By Blog, Home Organizing, Inspiration No Comments

You’ve made it through, take a deep breath in now. The sought-after sunshine is here to stay, spring has arrived, and the winter that felt two years long is finally fading.

But don’t get comfortable just yet!  Now is the time to dive in, style, and declutter your space for spring.

Once the tulips bloom, we are only beginning to rake through last year’s leaves…

It’s easy to turn your head away from the accumulation of beloved “things” through the overcast months. However, the fun of our fresh start offered by this season is now to reinvent spaces in a gentle, inviting manner.


Why WOOD storage baskets and containers are the GREENEST options!

If you’re moving away from plastics and the breakability of glass makes you tense, wooden or woven organizers are your new best friends.

Wood is a beautiful, workable material with an array of shades and stains available to complement any room – no matter the size.

With the influx of small living spaces, smart storage is vital. This includes dual-function furniture, collapsible food containers, and space-saving items. These things can be easily folded or tucked away to maintain the room’s elegance.



We all deserve to surround ourselves with a beautiful home.But it is nearly impossible to conserve a calm mind when day-to-day messes are left just as that…. day to day.

Make your most-used products available for when you need them by arranging them to accentuate the natural space of your home. Not everything needs to be placed into bins out of sight; being organized is so much more than that, and easy access is too alluring.

A beauty vanity staged with a few perfumes, maybe a framed photo, and a small jewelry dish can give you a happiness boost just from seeing it every day! Who doesn’t want to improve their mood and performance passively?

How to Blend Function with Design to Declutter Your Space this Spring

As we swiftly move into an era of contemporary organizational styles, practicality is no longer the only main focus. We are shifting towards style and blending function with design.

“But with so many storage options at hand, how can you be sure to make the right decision?”

The most important things to consider when choosing your materials are;

  • a room’s color scheme
  • how much negative space you prefer to leave open
  • the feeling you’d like to offer to guests
  • how well the physical design works for your needs


Adopting your home’s vibe is a real thing. The easiest way to portray your best self is by connecting the most important areas of your life in similar ways.

An orderly, easily accessible home reflects a persona of so much compassion for yourself and others.

Let’s allow nature to take us into a better mind space this year and rejuvenate our senses.

Each of us makes about 35,000 conscious decisions each day, and if we can lessen the pressure by simply arranging things differently, why not?


Sometimes the only solace of a day comes from that moment of peace in between two deep breaths…

Let yourself enjoy it.

· · ◇ · ·
Inspired to freshen up your home for the new season?
We have curated a list of our spring must-haves for you below!





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Back to School: College Dorms


10 Day Decluttering Challenge

By Blog, Home Organizing, Inspiration 2 Comments


When times are changing, it’s a sign to re-evaluate what’s really important to us.  You might be sitting in your comfy chair right now or sitting up in bed working from home and in the corner of your eye you can see those piles of stuff you’ve been meaning to deal with but never had the time until now.

We’ve spent years accumulating stuff that we don’t use, don’t need, and frankly, it’s just cluttering up space collecting dust.  Stuff can weigh heavy on us and leave us with feelings of guilt, shame, and unhappiness and that’s the last thing you want to feel at this time.

I believe a home is an oasis to wake up in and come home to at the end of the day.  A home is a place that is warm and inviting to have family and friends over. And if you work from home, you’re free to be creative and your space is inspiring to work in.

So for the next 10 days, let me help you transform your home with this mini decluttering challenge.

When you’re done this decluttering challenge, you’ll feel lighter, happier, and inspired!

Here’s three organizing steps to follow for fast, lasting results:

Step #1 – Start small with one drawer, one shelf, one cupboard or one area in ONE room at a time.  No zig-zag organizing from one room to another otherwise you won’t see fast results and you’ll create a bigger mess.

Step #2 – Set a timer for 30-45 minutes and make quick and fast decisions on what to keep and what’s no longer of use to you.  Touch each item on the shelf/drawer and decide if it’s staying or gotta go.  Have a recycling bin, trash bag, and donation box within arms reach for items that you don’t want, don’t use anymore, are broken, doesn’t bring you joy, or is expired.

Step #3 – Group like things together into themes.  You’ll see how much you have in each category and how much space you’ll need to contain it when you put it back.

After each 30-45 minute organizing sessions, take 10 minutes to deal with the recycling, trash, and donations items.  You’ll be amazed at how much stuff you can get rid of!!  Repeat the above three steps until you’re finished in the area you want decluttered.

If you get stuck or need a little extra help visit my Facebook or Instagram pages.  For personalized solutions for your decluttering and organizing projects, I’m offering 50% off Virtual Organizing services till March 31, 2020.  Check out details and bookings at


Day 1 Challenge – Declutter Your Kitchen Pantry


Start with one shelf, one cupboard, or one drawer.  Take out anything that is expired, doesn’t belong, or you don’t want.  Next, group like items together like breakfast foods, condiments, baking supplies, canned goods, spices, snacks, soups, drinks, and so on.  Once you see how much you have in a category, you can designate a space that makes sense.  If you have young kids, designate a breakfast zone, lunches zone, and snack zone that they can reach.  When possible, label the area inside the shelf, drawer or cupboard and make sure to let family members know where things are so that they can put them back.  The label becomes the organizing system for putting things back where they belong.



 Day 2 Challenge – Declutter Your Closet


Start with the piles on the floor, then a shelf or hanging section.  My best strategy for organizing anything is to organize your closet top to bottom, left to right (or reverse this if you can’t get to your top shelf yet)  Pull the clothes out of your closet and onto the bed, if possible.  If not, then make decisions by touching each item in your closet and sort into categories.  Suggest categories are, laundry, mending, dry cleaning, donate, try on, and keep.  Once you decided what you want to keep, put clothing back into your closet based on what you wear most during the week.  If you work, your work clothes get prime real estate and easy access.  Designate a place in your closet for each category of clothes.  Category ideas are:   work clothes, weekend clothes, party dresses, workout, comfy cozy clothes to lounge in, and so on.  Getting dressed in the morning will be a lot less stressful!



Day 3 Challenge – Organize Your Passwords


Do you constantly reset your passwords or let your browser remember your login details?  Hopefully you’re not using the same password over and over again 😉  Lastpass is a secure password manager that will remember all your passwords, travel point cards, vital information and login details so you don’t have to.  It works on any platform.  Install the app on all your devices.  Next, start entering in three to five login details to test it out for a week.  Inside the app you can add tags so it’s easier to find login details. You’ll be able to generate unique secure passwords on the fly.  Lastpass is the one app I can’t live without.




Day 4 Challenge – Declutter Your Desk


Day 5 Challenge – Organize Your Bathroom




Day 6 Challenge – Spring Clean Your Garage



Day 7 Challenge – Organize Your Jewellery and Shoes

Day 8 Challenge – Clean Out Your Inbox


Day 9 Challenge – Organize Your Wallet




Day 10 Challenge – Celebrate All Your Organizing Success!