We’re Sharing the Love This Week
30% Off Organizing Bootcamp Sale!
Win a Brother P-Touch 2700 Label Maker! Read on…
How many times have you said to yourself, today’s the day to get an organized office? If you are waiting for someday to come, you’re in for a big surprise. So here’s my weekly challenge for you.
I’d invite you to walk out of your office and then turn around and walk back to the entrance of your office. Pause for a moment and assess whether or not you’re inspired when you look in your office. Take a close look around your office and honestly ask yourself these three questions:
1. “Where are the piles accumulating?”
2. “What items don’t have a home?”
3. “What’s one thing you can do this week/month to make your office feel and look more inspiring?”
Next, I’d like you to take a picture of your office. Yes, that may be scary for some of you but this will keep you motivated and inspired as you take this journey with me over the next six weeks.