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3 Day Clutter Free Challenge – 2014

By Announcements, Blog, Business Organizing, Closet Organizing, Events, Home Office Organization, Home Organizing, Organizing Paper Files, Quick Organizing Tips, Resources No Comments

Welcome to 2014!

I know how much I want to clear clutter and get organized at work and at home at the BEGINNING of the year.

There’s nothing more wonderful than feeling the serenity of having a more zen-like space … all year round.

Since I’m going to begin in about two weeks I thought I’d invite you to join me!

Announcing: The 3-Day Clutter Free Challenge!

The challenge kicks off Monday, January 13th and ends Wednesday, January 15th.

Each day, you’ll get a mini-lesson filled with easy tips ‘n tricks to get organized + clutter-free — along with an action step to take immediately.

Here’s what we’ll dive into together:

Day 1. No More Desktop Dust Bunnies: Organize the top of your desk + find your stuff.

Day 2. No More Monsters in the Closet: Organize your closet + free up space.

Day 3: No More Fridge Fiascos: Organize your refrigerator + know what’s for dinner.

Here’s how it works:

1. Sign up for the 3-Day Clutter Free Challenge HERE. You’ll get email instructions and a link to our challenge Facebook group so you can request to join asap!

2. Read your daily challenge email each morning, beginning on January 13th.

3. Take action and do the daily challenge! (Each will take 15-30 minutes to do, more or less.)

4. Post in our Facebook group so we can all pow-wow and encourage each other. You will be eligible to win the daily prize ONLY if you post your results in our Facebook group.

Easy peasy!

Register Now for the 3-Day Clutter Free Challenge.

There’s nothing like having a posse to keep you motivated to get clutter-free!

And, I’ll be with you every step of the way with encouragement and tips to help keep you moving through each of the three days.  Get in on the 3-Day Clutter Free Challenge here.

Can’t wait to see you in our Facebook group!

Again, Happy New Year + wishing you and yours abundant blessings for peace-of-mind, joy and abundance in 2014!


Here’s to an outstanding 2014!



procrastination, procrastinating, time-wasters, scheduling tasks, getting things done

Top 10 Tips to Beat Procrastination (Part 1 of 3)

By Blog, Business Organizing, Free Articles, Home Office Organization, Home Organizing, IABO Weekly News, Quick Organizing Tips, Resources, Time Management No Comments

As I’m writing this article the stopwatch on my iPhone is set for 30 minutes to complete this article.  Then I’ll take a 5 minute break, come back and set the stopwatch for another 30 minutes to upload on my blog, send to my S.O.S. Newsletter community and post this to my social media.  I have  allowed myself an extra 30 minutes for editing and troubleshooting in case any technical issues come up.  So that’s a total of 1.5 hours from beginning to end to complete this task.  Oh and before I even started this article, I posted on Facebook that this article was coming in a few hours.  So, talk about beating procrastination!

 What is Procrastination?

According to Wikipedia, procrastination is ”the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later time.”

Yes, I see how procrastination as crept into my day on certain tasks because it’s a lot more fun to do the pleasurable tasks.  Can you relate to this?  I’m sure I’m not alone.

Missing opportunities, being late for work, class, meetings or other appointments creates undo stress, overwhelm, guilt and often times resentment from those who were waiting for us and these are just some of the symptoms.  And what about the physical and mental impact this has on our body and mind.

How about all the times you said you would do something for someone else?  Or all the times you promised yourself that you would take time to go for a walk, exercise, eat healthier meals and take time for yourself.

So What Are You Procrastinating On?

I’ll share with you one task I procrastinated on for years.  The night before my bookkeeper would come to my office, I’d be stressed, frustrated and up till 2:00am and then get up early the next morning to finish the task.  When I first started my business it was growing fast and I didn’t have all my business systems in place.  Plus, I didn’t know what I needed to have in place.  For years I made the mistake of scheduling in my calendar “Get ready for Bookkeeper” and proceeded to procrastinate.  Hmmm…I wonder why?

Well, I don’t like the task and its low on my priority list, but it’s a necessity as a business owner and I don’t like the penalties and late fees if I’m late on my reporting.  One day I said enough stress and last minute drama and I opened up a calendar event in Gmail and proceeded to write down all the tasks involved in “Get ready for Bookkeeper.”  Wow, there were a lot of tasks and it always took a lot longer to do than I had scheduled for.

One of the tasks in preparing for the meeting with my bookkeeper was to print off receipts from all my online services so she could match them up to my credit card statement, merchant account and bank statement.  In Canada, it’s a requirement to have printed receipts and this is such a time consuming task.  So, I bookmarked all the login pages and created a folder on my browser toolbar called “Finance” and a sub folder called “Month End”.  I also typed out all the tasks in my Gmail appointment and made it recurring once a month.

Do you know how much time that has saved me over the years and it can be totally delegated.  Stress levels are reduced significantly whenever I see the task in my Calendar now and there are only a few tasks that I need to do and the rest are delegated.  When I see the task “Month End – Prepare for Bookkeeper” I simply open up the task and all the next action steps are planned out and a click away.

Tip #1 – Your Calendar is Your Stress Reducer

Your calendar is your stress reducer and a place to get things out of your head and onto paper or into your electronic calendar.  Take it a step further and write in the amount of time you think the task will take.  Than double the time and schedule a more realistic time-frame into your calendar.  Refer to your calendar often to see what the next step is.

Tip #2 – Get Clear on the Next Step

Often times, we procrastinate on a task or big project because we are unclear about what the next action step is.  You’ve heard the saying “you can’t eat an elephant in one bit.”  Well the same is true for getting things done whether it’s a small task or a big project.  If you are procrastinating on a getting something done, take a time out, and write out all the tasks that are required to get that task or project to completion.

Many times when we have a task in our calendar like “go to gym,” organize garage,” “launch new product,” “return phone call,” or “get taxes to accountant” there are probably several tasks inside the task that need to be done first.  Get clear on the next step and schedule each task with the appropriate amount of time.

Tip #2 – Delegate or Streamline Unpleasant Tasks

Sometimes it’s just not a pleasant task to do and you simply don’t want to do it.  We can come up with all kinds of reasons to procrastinate on the task.  When all you need to do is ask yourself “What is the next action step?”  When you are clear on the next steps that is what you schedule into your calendar.  When you look at your calendar it’s easier to see yourself actually completing the task at the specified time and less chance of procrastinating.

Create a recurring appointment in your calendar and list all the tasks inside the appointment.  Include any links to documents, websites and resources that you may need to complete the task.  Set yourself up to succeed at completing the task.

Tip #4 – Build in Accountability

Setting boundaries, building in accountability and creating realistic time frames is a great first step to set you up for success, change a habit and beat procrastination.

Action Required: What will you do today to set yourself up for success and beat procrastination?  Leave your comments below.

In part two, we’ll discuss other topics like perfectionism which is a big and a huge time-waster that steels away our time.  Stay tuned next week.

organizing work at home office

Work From Home Mom? 4 Tips To Get Your Home Office Organized

By Blog, Business Organizing, Home Office Organization No Comments


You’ve taken the big step and you’ve decided to work from home.  Whether you are telecommuting or starting your own business, having an organized place to work is essential for success.  Here are the vital steps that you need to take to make sure your home office, and your home business operates smoothly.   Don’t worry; organizing a home office is relatively easy, and less expensive than you might think.

Step # 1:  Take Stock

Before you settle on file cabinets or furniture, it’s a good idea to take stock in what you already have.  If you’re like most first time homeworkers, you probably have a lot of papers, pens, odds and ends, and emails.  Take stock of what you have; that way you’ll be able to determine what you need to get organized.   Does your business have a lot of paperwork, or is it more computer and internet based?  Do you need a lot of storage space for supplies, or are they small and relatively easy to store?   By understanding what you already have, and thinking about how your business will operate, you can more easily determine what you will need.

Step #2:  Find the Location

One thing to remember when you have a home office is that work still needs to be done there- so choosing the right location in your home is important.  It is essential that you keep your “office” and “home” areas separate as much as possible.  While it is perfectly understandable that an errant toy will make its way under your office desk, try to make sure that the invasion of home and family into your work area is kept to a minimum.  Working in a basement office, or an upstairs spare bedroom works well.  If space is limited, though, a simple curtain hung up around your workspace can do wonders.

Step # 3:  Get the Furniture You Need

Having a home office often means getting office furniture.   Concentrate on finding office equipment that makes it easy for you to work.  Do you have a chair that is comfortable, that encourages you to sit in a correct posture?  Why not use that as your office chair?  Perhaps you have some book shelves that were used by your child who is now at college.  Why couldn’t they be used in your office?  When you do buy something, however, make sure it is of good quality, and allows you to have to storage you need – now and in the future.  It doesn’t make good business sense to be continuously replacing office furniture due to wear or expansion.

Step # 4 Organize!

Once you’ve gotten those steps done, the only thing left to do is organize your office in a way that makes sense to you.  Many people organize by a color scheme, while others find that put things in a specific location is the key.  The choice is yours.