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Stop Being Held Back from Clutter Control

By Blog, Business Organizing, Expert Articles, Free Articles, Home Office Organization, Home Organizing No Comments

clutter controlWhat Type of Clutter Control Do You Need?  


Are you buried in treasures?  Have you tried many times to get organized but you end up right back where you started?  Identifying what type of clutter may be holding you back in your business, your life or in your home are the key to living the life you love, getting clutter control, and being and staying organized.

  • What don’t you have room for in your office or home?
  • What don’t you have time for in your business, relationships or for yourself?
  • What are you tired of tripping over again and again every time you walk into a certain room?
  • What’s holding you back from living the life of your dreams?

Identify what type of clutter control you will need.

Here five different types of clutter that may be getting in your way to finally being and staying organized:


Sentimental Clutter:


  • It’s not easy to let go of things that you aren’t using when you have attached a lot of meaning, feeling and emotional to the item.  You feel that if you let this item go, you will lose the memory of the past.  Your thoughts tend to dwell in the past instead of in the present and future.
  • When you have a strong emotional attachment to your possessions and have a difficult time letting go, it’s because you have a strong belief about the importance and value of the items. This type of clutter control is very difficult.
  • It’s natural to keep a few items from our childhood, a few greeting cards, pictures of loved ones and places travelled or a comfy pair of boots that is broken in.
  • These things connect us to events and people in our lives
  • But when possessions consume too much space and you attach too much identity into your possessions, the piles of clutter accumulate and items are rarely used.  You don’t need to keep every greeting card received to know that you are loved, baby clothes or all of your children’s art and school books to preserve your memories.  Keep a few select pieces and preserve them in a way that you can enjoy them instead of collecting dust in the attic.


Perfectionism and Clutter Control


  • Typically, we think of perfectionists with perfectly tidy and clutter free offices and homes.  For some, the opposite is true.  The clutter piles up because now is not the perfect time to deal with it and so you put it off for later when you do it right.  Meanwhile, it piles up.  Perfectionists tend to avoid making decisions because they have strong feelings of anxiety and worry that if you don’t make the right decision, you’ll regret it later or the item may be useful down the road.


Security and Clutter Control


  • Possessions are your safety shield and provide you with a feeling of protection and security from the outside world.  No matter how much you have, you never feel secure.  You have a need to surround yourself with a lot of possessions and keep others away at a safe distance.  In extreme cases, you won’t let anyone in your home or help them as they see it as a threat to their security.
  • Advertisers deliberately market to your insecurities and if you don’t have the latest than you’re missing out.  The minute you get something, you need something else
  • Then you worry about losing your stuff.


Identify Beliefs and Clutter Control


  • You wrap your identity into your things – like a ticket stub to a concert from 15 years ago, a gift from a friend or a collector of crafts, but you don’t do anything with your crafts.  You define yourself by what you have.
  • You keep garage sale bargains but never resale or use what you have.  Your collections take over your space collecting dust or you rent more space to house your collections
  • It’s ok to keep some of these things if they still have a current value for you and you use them


Seeing Waste- Not Clutter


  • You refuse to let go of your junk, or the item was free or a really good bargain.
  • You want to squeeze every last ounce of your money’s worth out of it and use every last drop from the jar.
  • Scraps of paper, fabric remnants and miscellaneous screws and nails may be useful someday.
  • You can think of many ways to reuse the item and you feel responsible to not be wasteful.
  • When taken too far, Kleenex boxes, scrapes of tiny pieces of paper and toilet paper rolls become a pile of clutter


Self-criticism and piles of clutter are stuck energy that depletes your energy.  When you identify the actual causes of your clutter you’ll be able to create organizing systems that work for you and bring clutter control into your reach.  The freedom you will receive as a result of letting go of your physical and emotional clutter will be the transformation you are looking for and the key to being and staying organized.


What strategies do you find effective for clutter control? Tell us in the comments!

How to Use a Planner to Organize Your Life Monthly

By Blog, Business Organizing, Expert Articles, Free Articles, Home Office Organization, Home Organizing No Comments


Life can get crazy busy and before you know it, another month has slipped by and you didn’t get your new product launched.  Every day, things creep into your schedule and typically the most pressing issues or emergencies get dealt with and suck up your time.  Your schedule is jammed packed, you have a business to run, a household to manage and you have all these great plans and aspirations you want to make happen this year.


  • What if you were to lighten the load and streamline your life, so you could spend 100% of your time on the things you’re most passionate about?
  • How often are you leaving things to the last minute and missing important due dates when it comes to your marketing plans or getting your marketing ideas launched?
  • How much money do you think you are leaving on the table because you don’t have a solid plan in place for marketing your business?
  • What vacation time are you taking this year and how many weekend get-a-ways have you planned for?
  • How often have you thought you didn’t need to learn how to use a planner?


I’m too busy to plan and learn how to use a planner….


how to use a plannerOne of the biggest challenges as a business owner is finding the time to plan and market their business.  When you’re taking care of clients all day long you probably have little energy to focus on marketing at night or on weekends.  Most businesses fail because they haven’t taken the time to strategically plan and market their business to keep their marketing funnel full with a steady stream of clients. Being consistent in planning your days, weeks and months is the missing link for most small business owners.  Planning keeps you focused, helps you stay on track and before you know it your great marketing idea has turned into a successful product launch resulting in more clients and more money in your pocket.


  It’s Winston Churchill who said “He who fails to plan is planning to fail”

Set yourself up for success and automate your planning time


The first step is to automate your planning time in your calendar.  A regular schedule for planning will keep you on track with your desired outcomes and ahead of the game when it comes to your marketing strategies and getting more clients.  Go ahead and create three recurring appointments in your calendar for:


  • Weekly planning session, 1-2 hours
  • Monthly planning session, 2-5 hours
  • Yearly planning session, half or full day


A regular planning time on a weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis will help you to stay on track and you adjust your plan accordingly when things aren’t working or you hit the sweet spot in your marketing efforts.  These time blocks are important first steps in knowing how to use a planner.  During your planning sessions, you can ask yourself these three questions:


  • “What went well today, this week or month?”
  • “What didn’t work?”
  • “What do I want to do differently?”


“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Albert Einstein


If you are checking in on a regular basis with planning your days and weeks, and you’re not getting the results you want, you have two choices:


  1. Keep doing what you’re doing and get the same result, or
  2. Do something different and see what new results you get.


Here’s a great tool for planning


Begin by mapping out the next 3-12 months of your marketing calendar, vacation time, product launches, programs you want to launch, speaking engagements, when your newsletter goes out, monthly goals, and other important marketing dates.  Check out the video I made for you on how to plan your life using a monthly planner.


Many of you already have this in your computer using Google Calendar, Outlook, iCal or some other calendar system which is great.  For many business owners who have a lot on the go and long to-do lists, it’s beneficial to have something visual to look at-a-glance for the bigger picture.  A large visual-aid can also keep you focused and on track with your marketing efforts.


A full year dry erase calendar is the ultimate in visual planning and enables you to map out, in advance, an entire year of planning in one place. No more flipping from page to page or screen to screen on your computer to plan important marketing and product launches for your business.  These year-at-a-glance calendars display the entire year’s plans in an easy to read format and are available in vertical and horizontal formats.  Using a yearly wall calendar is a great way to keep track of future events, quickly adjust plans, write out your goals and helps you schedule plan for the entire year.


Sometimes when everything is in small print in your computer and you can’t see the bigger picture, a wall calendar is a great way to plan out your product launches and marketing strategies first, and then schedule it into your electronic calendar system.  Either way, having a big visual plan posted on your wall that you can see every time you’re in your office is a great reminder system of what you’re up to in your business and for making quick decisions on the fly.


Recommended Products


You can find these year-at-a-glance yearly dry erase calendars at Staples .  You can also get artistic looking calendars at Nextag and they will ship to your door  If you want larger yearly calendars, check out this great resource at Printed Dry Erase


If you find the calendar squares too small to write in, you’ll love these extra-fine tip dry erase markers from Grand & Toy


Be and Stay Organized


Schedule time at the end of each day to briefly organize your desk and work area and plan your tasks for the next day.

Learning how to use a planner will pay off!

Organizing Microsoft Outlook: How Categories Save You Time

By Blog, Business Organizing, Expert Articles, Free Articles, Home Office Organization, Organizing Microsoft Outlook No Comments

organizing Microsoft OutlookSending and organizing emails is not how we want to spend big chunks of our business day.  The problem is email communication is essential to most businesses.  So how do you save time with this task?  Use the categories feature with your contacts when you are organizing your Microsoft Outlook.

Putting your contacts in categories helps to group their information together.  You are not limited to one category per contact.  Your contact can be both in your “resource” and “advertising” categories for example. When you begin organizing Microsoft Outlook you will see that it provides you with standard categories to use.  These can be edited, deleted, or added to for your personal needs.

How does organizing Microsoft Outlook with Categories save time?

  • You can drag and drop.  Want to email all of your clients about a promotion? When you have spent the time organizing Microsoft Outlook you can just drag your entire clients category over and your To: field will populate with everyone in that category.  (remember for your recipients privacy you should cut and paste emails into the BCC area)
  • Need to export all of your Vendors into another program? No problem you can grab all of their information at one time.
  • Follow up is easy!  Want to send out an after event thank you? Create a category for your event, include everyone who is involved.  After the event simply drag and drop your category and send your thanks.  No going through endless contact lists and checking and double checking for fear you’ve missed someone.

While organizing your contacts into categories may take some upfront time, it will save you much more in the end!  Start by making a complete list of the categories you will want for your contacts.  Brainstorm them on paper to get a good visual.  Once you have a full list go to the Master Categories list and add or edit your categories.

Now you’re ready to get started organizing Microsoft Outlook. I would love to hear how it goes in the comments below!

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