There is no better way to welcome a fresh, new year than to get out with the old to make room for the new!
This article will cover 50 things you can declutter right now (feel free to add to the list!)
Life changes a lot over the span of the year. You are no longer who you were last year, and that goes for your family too!
We all outgrow things, go through consumables, and items get old and need repair or replacement. These are just the natural aspects of life, and this list is for you to keep on top of them!
Here are 50 things to Declutter Right Now:
Ready to roll up your sleeves and get down to work? 😁👍🏼
Before you start on these 50 items, here are just a few words of my advice.
You may find yourself distracted while decluttering and reorganizing. This is totally normal, and while you’re still getting the hang of it this is commonly experienced!
The best ways to avoid the distractions and mistakes that will lead you to the trap of Yo-Yo Organizing are in this freebie download below!
While working virtually with those who have a new year’s goal of wanting to get organized and with clients on-site in their homes, I always see the same frustrations. So I want to help you avoid getting discouraged by these common mistakes!
Read through these 3 most common organizing mistakes and learn how to avoid them to ensure your success while you use these 50 ideas to declutter right now!
Did we miss anything? Comment below!