The Four Organizing Styles:
Who Are You?
Organizing is more than just pretty bins and containers… It’s about designing your dream organizing systems so that you can find what you want, when you need it – with EASE!
Tally your answers from the quiz below to get clear on exactly where to start, how to declutter, and the best ways for you to organize your spaces.
Experience more joy and freedom in your life today!
I can never find my keys, to-do lists, or phone charger.
- Every day
- Occasionally
- Often
- Rarely
I have a few things on my kitchen counter to put away, I’ll do it…
- Why do I need to put them away? They’re not in my way
- Later – probably after work tomorrow or when I have time this weekend
- Tonight – I like to tidy up before bed
- Right now – why wait?
I have a good system for planning, prioritizing, and achieving my goals.
- Not really and I don’t really know how
- I think so, but I struggle with following through
- Somewhat, yes
- Absolutely, I crush my goals
I delegate tasks to others whenever possible and I am able to let go once I have delegated a task.
- Not often, I prefer to do things myself
- Yes all the way, take it off my shoulders please!
- As long as they follow my directions precisely, then yes
- No way – I’m very specific in how I complete my tasks
When focusing on an activity or work task, I can work without getting distracted by other projects, people, clutter, etc…
- I don’t know the last time I was distraction-free
- Not very often
- Most of the time
- Always
I can restrict myself from spending too much time on social media.
- No and I don’t really want to, it’s a tool and how I stay connected
- If I realize I’m spending too much time I will usually log off for a few hours
- Yes, and it’s a very important thing to do
- I’m pretty good at it or I don’t use it much
I make my bed…
- Only if someone is coming over and they might see it
- Most days, but sometimes I’ve got to run if I’m busy!
- If I wake up feeling motivated in the morning
- Immaculately every morning, it’s the first thing I do!
Once I identify a habit that works against me, I adjust how I do things to improve my productivity.
- I do try, but I find I always end up back where I started
- I really want to but sometimes I don’t know where to start
- I try my best to change bad habits
- Totally, I am constantly improving and proud of it
Do you clean up your workspace often?
- It’s not perfect by any means, but it makes me comfortable
- I like to do it at the end of each work week
- I straighten things up when I’m finished for the day
- Yes! I appreciate a bright, fresh start each day
When I start a book, magazine, or other reading material, I am able to finish it in a timely manner.
- Sometimes
- Hardly ever
- Usually
- Always
I have a systematic method for naming electronic files, sorting digital photos, and organizing emails.
- Not really, I have too much to organize alone – but it’s all in one place does that count!?
- Kind of but I’m often too busy to categorize these things to where they belong
- Yes but it’s not as intricate as I’d like
- Yes and it is very specific – I can recall any information I need at a moment’s notice
I stick to a schedule for watering my plants, feeding my pets, meal prepping, etc.
- I’m happy with my consistency, it may not be perfect but it’s enough
- I get around to it eventually, I know I could be better though
- I do it when I remember, usually I group a bunch of tasks to do in a row
- All of the time, I love a routine and planning my whole day out
I can find anything I need in my home within 5 minutes.
- Hardly ever
- I know the general area
- Most of the time
- Always
I either immediately fix or get rid of things that are not in good working condition. My appliances and car work well.
- I usually just replace the thing right away – but I’ll keep the original to repair someday
- I’m the type to use something until it’s dead, and then replace it
- I want to do it immediately so I’ll put the item by the front door or the issue on my to-do list
- Absolutely – but I need to find the best price or place for it first
I enjoy my home environment and find it a relaxing and nurturing place to spend time.
- My home is a comfortable space that displays a lot about who I am
- I have a vision for what I’d like but I haven’t found the way I want to do it yet
- I do my best to achieve what I envision but it’s always a little off
- My home is my oasis and I organize/decorate to maintain exactly that
Everyone in my household knows where things belong and they put things away.
- Not really, we don’t have a designated place for each thing so sometimes items are in random spots
- Yes, but we don’t always get around to doing it as frequently as I’d like
- We don’t have many systems in place but the house is organized to some degree
- They do, however it’s never perfect unless I readjust it
I have gone through my closets and drawers within the past year and gotten rid of anything that does not fit me currently, or that I no longer like or want.
- No I like to keep clothes and items in case I change my mind and might need or want them in the future
- I’ve done this once or twice, but I struggle with distractions and end up with piles out for days instead
- I do this sometimes, but often the to-go items find their way back before they go out
- I do this often, I don’t have anything that isn’t useful to me in the present
To live a more balanced life where my physical, mental, spiritual, social needs are met, one area I’d like to improve in is…
- I would like to improve my perseverance
- I would like to improve my motivation
- I would like to improve my productivity
- I would like to improve my stress levels
Quiz Score
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