Thinking about how to rebuild your life seems daunting, and even more so when your mind has been swimming in the digital world for too long. The routines and responsibilities that consume our days certainly can take us off track, too.
Regardless of any current circumstances, it’s never too late to start living the life you have always wanted! This could mean changing careers, taking personal leave for traveling, changing your education path, switching your diet, or anything!
But now is definitely the time to break free from our comfort zones.
Today is the day you can begin taking action and making conscious habit adjustments toward the life you want to be living, not just dreaming about.
Don’t forget to take some notes as you read through our collection of empowering ideas and actionable steps. Then put them into play and start rebuilding your life today for a smoother, more efficient tomorrow!
How to Rebuild Your Life in 30 days:
1. Get out of your comfort zone. Book that class you’ve always wanted to try, reconnect with old friends, or take yourself on a date to that new restaurant you’ve been wanting to try. Do something to shake up your usual routine today!
2. Do something great for your community. A community is deemed successful when every member participates in its success. Check your nearest charitable shelter and see if you can donate any of their most-needed items or clean up any trash in your own neighborhood today!
3. Prioritize your own well-being. As a mother, provider, or just an all-around busy person, our own needs often get left unmet. Take today to do something you’ve been procrastinating about doing for yourself as a step to rebuild your life.
4. Random acts of kindness. Nothing feels better than going out of our way to make somebody else’s day, or even week. Today, do something generous for someone else without them having to ask. They will appreciate it tenfold!
5. Assess the people in your life. Take some time today to think about your inner circle and acquaintances. Do they lift you up? Are they ready to support you when you need it most, or do they dampen your success because they aren’t happy with themselves? In order to rebuild your life, you’ll need to edit your circle accordingly.
Life Assessment
Does your Life reach the 8 Dimensions of Joy?
6. Wear your heart on your sleeve. If you see something – say something! Who doesn’t love a random compliment? Open up to those around you and say what is truly on your mind today.
7. Walk around your neighborhood. We often don’t appreciate our environments enough in our busy day-to-day lives. Take some time to enjoy the little things in your own community today.
8. Forgive those who have wronged you. Anger, resentment, and bitterness only affect the one experiencing them. If you’ve been long holding onto an old grudge, use today to think about forgiving them (even if only in your own mind).
9. Write what you don’t want. At times, you may not know what you want when you start to rebuild your life, so it’s easier to start with what you don’t want. Today, write a list of the habits you want to improve, and then make your action plan from there!
10. Assess your career. Do you have any unfinished goals from last year? Are you happy with the position you have now? Take today to think about what you can pick up and continue on, or how you can improve where you aren’t currently satisfied in your workspace.
11. Recite positive affirmations. This may sound silly at first, but stay with me. Repeating positive affirmations each day helps to stick them in your brain. From here you can manifest the life you desire by believing you are already living it. Try writing 3 of your own today!
12. Identify what your talents are. Do you have an underdeveloped talent? If there is something you’ve always had an inkling you’re a natural at, today’s the day to book a class, a workshop, or just practice improving that skill!
13. Be open to compliments. When receiving a compliment on something personal, work you have done, or anything else – learn to wholly accept it! Just say “Thank you, I really appreciate that” and end it there! Embrace the parts of yourself that others see as admirable. See yourself through anothers’ eyes today.
14. Define what success means to you. Sometimes we measure ourselves against one another, which is detrimental because our version of success will never match with another’s! Take some time today to think about what success means to you, and how you can chase more of that.
15. Look for mentors around you. Our mentors can be found in many unexpected places. Think about the people you admire and why you admire them. Then send a message today to connect with the person that first comes to mind.
16. Write it all out. Remember those “pros and cons” lists? That’s our exercise to rebuild your life for today! List out everything that isn’t working in your life right now and convert each negative into a positive, actionable step.
17. Find a support network. Plan a lunch date with your besties or catch up with family today. If you don’t have a direct support network, try reaching out to community groups online or in your area.
18. Read a book. We might think we have all the answers, but we certainly never will! Today, look at your problems through the lens of a professional by picking up a book for your most pressing personal challenge.
19. Embrace unexpected change. Have to move homes last minute? Got laid off from your job? Is something shifting in your life or business? It might not feel okay now, but life will always go on! Sometimes the most unnerving changes lead to the best chapters of our lives yet. Look at a negative situation from the bright side today.
20. Give back to those who’ve helped you. Has someone been there for you through a very critical time in your life? Reach out to them today even if only to express gratitude once more, but also check in with them to see if they’re needing any support, too.
21. Get away from everyday life. Everyone deserves a break every now and then! If booking a relaxing international trip is not feasible for you right now, use today to look into how you can book a getaway in a neighboring city. Or do what I’m doing today and work from your car overlooking the river! A change of scenery once a week may be all you need.
22. Turn your passion into profit. Do you have a hobby that intrigues others? Research ways you can turn your passion into a side hustle today and enjoy a little extra income each month!
23. Quit the excuses. If you notice a little voice in your head putting down everything that excites you, today is the day to nip it in the bud. Write out the excuses (with no shame!) that are holding you back from being able to rebuild your life and notice how they’re usually not even rational to begin with.
Feel Your Best, Do Your Best, and Finally
Get the Results You Desire
Get the Results You Desire
24. Set your new goals. Goals can be tricky to stick to after that first month of the new year. If you’ve passed on some of your goals, accept that they weren’t for your current path and move forwards with new goals in sight today.
25. Track your progress. Don’t let yourself get so busy that you don’t see the big moves you’re making! Today, be sure to make a habit tracker or designate a location to track the progress you’re making. And celebrate it!
26. Get your body moving. It’s not a myth that movement is one of the best things for anybody. Prioritize exercise or simple body movements throughout today to get your blood and mind flowing.
27. Cross off some to-do’s. If you’ve had a to-do task on your list for way too long, take a step toward getting it done today. It will feel so good to have that weight off your shoulders as you rebuild your life!
28. Declutter your environment. “Stuff” has a phenomenal impact on our mental and physical health, and not always in a good way. Choose a space in your home to focus on today, and declutter anything that doesn’t serve a purpose. I woke up last weekend with the thought, “It’s time to get rid of some research papers in my office!” and that’s exactly what I did. I only spent 5 minutes on that task, plus I felt lighter afterward!
29. Identify time-sucking distractions. Nowadays, many people get sucked into the virtual world and hours can fly by without notice. Today, objectively assess your day and see where you can minimize distractions, implement timed-use rules, and start focusing your energy on what really matters.
30. Allow yourself to be happy. So many of us feel guilty for enjoying a slow, beautiful moment. We often think there is something we should be doing instead, and this takes away from us really living our lives. Today, focus on allowing yourself to embrace the in-between moments throughout your day.
As you reflect on these various ways to rebuild your life, remember that all changes begin with a small step and shift in mindset. Commit to prioritizing your personal and familial wellness, nurturing positive relationships, and pursuing your passions.
With each new day, you have a unique opportunity to alter the direction of your life and make a positive impact on your community.
Take advantage of these opportunities to rebuild your life now, life is too short not to!
Which tips will you be practicing today? Comment below!