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A Time Management Tip You Need

By April 20, 2012No Comments

time managementThink about your day today.  Do you feel like you used your time well?  Maybe your time management was lacking? Did you start working on a project and suddenly find that is was 2 hours later and you hadn’t got anything done? Multitasking and distractions can be a big part of the problem.  How do you eliminate this?

Here is a Time Management Tip You Need to Start Using!

When you batch like tasks together and schedule a block of time to do them, you will need less time to complete those tasks.  You can, for example, spend a LOT of time during your day checking email.  Want a time management tip? Schedule specific times in which you will check your email. Or schedule a regular time to do follow-up calls each day instead of making phone calls throughout your day.

What difference has this time management tip made to you? Tell us about the time you’ve saved!

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